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More About Us...

We have many years of experience working for many different kinds of firms. We would be glad to provide you with references from some our clients. Please contact us for a reference list.

We have worked with these types of firms

We also have contacts and working relationships with other experts in our field. We can help you find a good internet service provider, help you implement a firewall and other security measures, and many other services. We know the quality of the people we work with, so you don't need to worry about finding a high quality service provider.

If you have questions about our ability to help you with a project, just call. We would love to talk with you. We can almost certainly help you. But if we can't, we're not afraid to give business to others should we be unable to help you. That makes you happy, and keeps us from trying our hand at something we're not able to do successfully.

If you might know someone who needs help, let us know. We may be able to compensate with a finders fee. Please contact us for more details!

Thanks for spending the time here at our web site.

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How to contact us
Sloop Network & Computer Consulting
PO Box 16990
Portland OR 97292
Email us!

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